Nordic Blading @ the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge (and a little bit of skiing)

28 11 2012

I’ve been scoping them out for a couple years now, and finally made the plunge the day before Thanksgiving. I bought nordic blades. They open up a whole new world in skating, making the uneven surfaces and obstacles embedded into the surfaces of  lakes, marshes, and tarns easy to skate on. As Jeff put it-they are like the 4×4 of ice skating.  Also, I’m trying to make lemonade out of a lemon of a winter so far…..the lack of snow (zero) has definitely impacted my enthusiasm, so I’m embracing what we do have plenty of-ice! 


I never would have guessed to head to the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge to skate on the inlet had I not found a note about it on a local ice skating forum. We had extremely high tides combined with cold temps this week that made the inlet/refuge into a nordic blade haven. 

Eva and Dan heading into the noon sun….which isn’t far off the horizon this time of year.

Some challenging ice….Nordic blades make this stuff completely doable.

We found some beautiful ice! There were a lot of places where the ice was as nice as if it had been zambonied.

Jeff and Sabrina headed out with me a couple days later to try nordic blading. 

Tika seemed to get around just fine without skates.

I did manage to make it to Turnagain and ski over the weekend with Brian and Sabrina….to ski on snow that fell weeks ago. One of the only places that hasn’t been ripping out due to the cold, clear weather creating hoarfrost and instability was Tincan. We were suprised that it wasn’t as tracked out as we imagined it would be.

Sabrina enjoying the sunshine and temperature inversion on top of Tincan.

Just because Brian is one of the best snowboarders I know, I had to post this pic….it was fun watching him on skis for the first time since 7th grade 🙂

In all fairness, he did really well, and only fell this once.

Ice Skating on a Frozen Tarn

29 10 2012



With no fresh snow and colder than usual temps, it’s made for ideal ice skating conditions. Sunday, I got invited to go with a group on a hike to ice skate on a frozen ice tarn in Eagle River. I’ve been so appreciating this 10+ day stretch of sunny, clear weather! But, can’t wait for the snow in the forecast at the same time…..

I love checking out all the interesting designs frozen in the lake.

Our view from the tarn. The warm sun on the mountains reflect some pink/orangish hues onto the lake, with some skaters in the background.

A crystal clear piece of ice sitting on top of the frozen tarn.

Dan skating past some older blade marks frozen in the ice.



Ice, Ice, Baby

19 01 2011

Yes, I have figure skates. I’m a girl 🙂

It’s been freeze-your-butt off cold in Southcentral Alaska. At or below zero. For a very long time. The upside is it’s been stunningly beautiful with sunny, clear skies and hoarfrost coating the trees. With no new snow (yet) this year, Dan and I decided to go ice skating on Potter’s Marsh-something I’ve always wanted to do. First, we went on Sunday night in the dark with our headlamps. The designs in the ice were so cool, we quickly decided to take a long lunch on Monday so we could see and photograph them in the daylight.

Bubbles trapped in the ice.

Dan taking photos.


Dan skating circles around me on his nordic blades. My figure skates can’t compete 😦