Big Wild Life in Los Anchorage-the last 24 hours of aurora & moose

2 10 2012

Here’s a few shots from Sunday night’s show at the airport. Had a few red eye flights (is there any other kind in Anchorage?) take off towards the aurora and into my frame. The people on those flights definitely got the best seats in the house!

Aurora and jet. 

Aurora over Los Anchorage. Even managed to capture a jet flying towards the city.

Aurora reflecting in Cook Inlet.

Monday night, after work, I headed up to Powerline Pass to check on any moose activity. I had to take advantage of one of the first days without crazy wind/rain almost a month. I haven’t seen the numbers of moose congregating in Powerline during the rut as I have in years past, so I was happy to find this bull. He was hanging with his harem of 6 females and one spike fork.

The Annual June Ski

15 06 2011

I love the June ski. It’s not the longest run, or the best, but it’s the only time I get to ride my bike to a backcountry ski run. It’s always sunny, with spring ski snow that’s somewhere between corn and slush. Every June, Burrell and I hop on our bikes, packs loaded with skis, and ski the gullies in Powerline Pass after work. 

Neil and his pup joined us for an after ski beer.

B heading home.

The moose are on the loose….in Powerline Pass

24 09 2010

A few pictures from my first trip this fall shooting moose.  Lucked out finding this guy right away…..